The Student Success and Advising Center is dedicated to nurturing the academic, professional, and personal growth of undergraduate students in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences. The SSAC can assist students with the following: general questions, academic advising, academic success strategies, finding campus involvement opportunities, career exploration, navigating campus resources, student advocacy, etc.
David Wrobel, Dean of the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences, has accepted a role at Stony Brook University as its new Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
OU Graduate College Dean Randall Hewes will step in as Interim Dean, pending final Regents’ approval.
The OU Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oklahoma held its annual Awards Lunch on Thursday, April 25th, at the Noun Hotel. The event, now named the Impact Awards Luncheon (formerly Kaleidoscope), celebrates the significant contributions of outstanding students, faculty, staff, and alumni to the university community.
When I came to a conference at OU, I was shown the promise of not just a family, but a home here in Norman. Coming from a place where my parents have a total of 13 siblings, I know what it means to come from a big family, and that is exactly what this college is. I know that when I reflect on my OU experience years from now, I will always have immense gratitude for the privilege of having such impactful opportunities these last four years.
– Devin Brown, Senior, Planned Programs